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XIX Festival di Musica Sacra

Various Location

Free Entry

from 02 Jul 2022 to 10 Jul 2022

Associazione Cortona Cristiana

Associazione Cortona Cristiana

Event hashtag


Sacred Music Festival is held in Cortona every year since 2004 and it’s organized by the Cortona Cristiana Association following an ideal of fusion between art, music, culture and religious faith. The goal of the association is to promote and spread the artistic and musical Christian culture in an environment where culture has always blended with faith. No location can be better than Cortona: the Tuscan city boasts the Laudario Cortonese, which presents in particular forty-six laude music, still presented during the various editions of the Festival.

Through various concerts that will be distributed in Cortona, the purpose of the Sacred Music Festival is to rediscover the spirituality lost, through religious melodies. Anyone can actively participate in liturgical singing courses: a way to feel like a leading event in Cortona.

Other local institutions also participate in the organization of the Sacred Music Festival: the Diocese of Arezzo, the Accademia degli Arditi and the Etruscan Academy.


2 july

21,00 – Teatro Signorelli

Giovanni Caccamo

3 july

ore 10.30 – Eremo le Celle
Santa Messa


21.00 – Chiostro di Sant’Agostino
Trio sonate per la pace

Trio Hubay: Stefano Rondoni e Elena Casagrande violini, Ermanno Vallini violoncello

4 july

21,00 – Duomo
Ragione e Sentimento – La musica nel secolo dei lumi

Patrizia Battista violino
Stefania Mercuri oboe
Fabio Fabellini contrabbasso
Luca Purchiaroni organo

5 july

21,00 – Chiesa San Filippo
Il Suono della Rinascita

Omaggio a Giancarlo Ristori
Massimiliano Rossi organo
Introduzione Mario Aimi

6 july

21,00 – Chiesa di Sant’Agostino
Adunanza Mistica

Juri Camisasca

7 july

21,00 – Chiostro di Sant’Agostino
L’Harmonium dei poveri

Daniele Di Bonaventura

8 july

21,00 – Chiesa di Sant’Agostino
Come un viaggiatore nella notte

Oratorio di Marcello Bronzetti
Coro e orchestra Fideles et Amati
Direttore Tina Vasaturo

9 july

21.00 – Chiesa di Sant’Agostino
Pacem in Terris

Coro Diocesi di Roma
Orchestra Fideles et Amati
Direttore Mons. Marco Frisina

10 july

11,00 – Duomo
S. Messa Conclusiva

Chiusura Festival
Presiede S.E. Mons. Italo Castellani


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