March 13, 2025
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The Etruscan Spirit

10:00 alle 19:00

Via di Fortezza

from 12 Apr 2019 to 15 Jun 2019

Fortezza del Girifalco

Fortezza del Girifalco
0575 1645507

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Inaugurated on Friday 12 April, at Fortezza del Girifalco, the René Van Bakel‘s photographic exhibition entitled The Etruscan Spirit, tells an original path, made by the same author backwards in the history of our lands.

Starting from the rediscovery of La Dolce Vita, Van Bakel has embarked on a journey through time, turning back to identify the origin of the “spirit” of central Italy and beyond. The Etruscan spirit, still alive in us, will be the protagonist of the photographs that capture all that has survived of the ancient Etruscan culture and that still influences our lives today.

This exhibition was created with the collaboration of the Andrea Botticelli Foundation.


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